
Gray's Lark & Coastal Wetlands Birding

The Gray's Lark can be difficult to locate as it blends in perfectly with the gravel plains which it frequents in the Namib Desert - the Braines can track it for you!

This tour takes you north of Swakopmund to the quartzite gravel plains to search for the arid-adapted and cryptic Gray's Lark. Other targets that we will be looking for are the pale-coloured coastal form of Tractrac Chat, Red-capped Lark and Rufous-eared Warbler. From the gravel plains we travel to the wetlands near the Swakopmund salt works and, depending on the time of the year, we may encounter large flocks of both Greater and Lesser flamingos, a variety of waders including Whitefronted and Chestnut-banded Plover, African Oystercatcher, Ruddy Turnstones, Common Greenshanks, Curlew Sandpipers, Little Stints and on occasion common Redshank and other unusual species like Greater or Lesser Sandplover, Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Franklin's Gull. We also scope the guano platform with its thousands of Cape Cormorants for the rarer Bank Cormorant. Kelp and Hartlaub's Gulls are common here and, in the summer, there may also be large numbers of terns including Swift, Damara, Sandwich, Common, Arctic and with luck Black Tern. We also visit a small wetland in the Swakop Riverbed where Kittlitz's Plover is fairly common as well as Chestnutbanded Plover and a few other waders. Occasionally Cape Teal, Egyptian Goose, Rock Kestrel, Black-winged Kite and Peregrine Falcon may be seen. If time permits, we have a quick visit to the dunes to look for some of the duneadapted lizards, insects, Namaqua Chameleon and Peringuey's Adder (Sidewinder).

Interested in a Gray's Lark & Coastal Wetlands Birding Tour?

Contact us today and book your seat on this tour to search for the arid-adapted and cryptic Gray's Lark.

Tour Info

Tour Info

Group size:

Minimum 3 Persons - Single travellers welcome to join existing tours.


Half Day: ±5 hours

Full Day: ±8 hours


Half Day: N$ 1 700.00 PP

Full Day: N$ 2 300.00 PP

Pick-Up Time:

Half Day: ±08h00 from your accommodation in Swakopmund

Full Day: ±08h00 from your accommodation in Swakopmund

Drop-Off Time:

Half Day: ±13h00 at your accommodation in Swakopmund

Full Day: ±16h00 at your accommodation in Swakopmund


Guide, Vehicle, Refreshments (Water)

What to bring:

Walking Shoes, Jacket, Sunblock & Hat, Binoculars & Photographic Equipment

Please note:

A surcharge of N$200 per person if the pick-up is in Walvis Bay

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