

Angola has only recently been opened to birders, and only a few birding outlets operate within the country presently, this being due to bad roads and poor infrastructure, however, conditions are improving constantly.

Batis Birding offers the birder a full Angola itinerary to search for some of the most wanted species on the African continent.

While accommodation establishments are fairly basic, the large diversity and amount of endemics to be seen will make this safari well worth it.

Angola Birding Tour

17 Nights & 18 Days


Our 18-day tour has been designed to cover a wide range of habitats to look for Angola's endemics and specials with great photographic opportunities. The tour is fully accommodated (no camping).


Luanda - Uige - Calandula - N'dalatando - Muxima - Kumbira Forest - Namba - Huambo - Lubango

Top Birds:

Angola Cave Chat, Gabela Akalat, Swierstra's, Grey-striped and Finsch's Spurfowl, Red-crested Turaco, Angola & Margaret's Batis, Anchieta's Barbet, White-headed Robin-Chat, Gabela, Braun's and Monteiro's Bushshrike, Lepe and Bubbling Cisticola, Ludwig's Double-collared, Bocage's and Oustalet's Sunbird, Dusky Twinspot, White-fronted Wattle-eye, Gabela Helmetshrike, Pulitzer's Longbill, Angola Slaty Flycatcher, Benguela Long-billed Lark, Angola Lark, Hartert's Camaroptera, Angolan Swee and Cinderella Waxbill, Golden-backed Bishop, Rufous-tailed Palm Thrush, Red-backed Mousebird and Gabon Coucal.

Interested in a tour to Angola?

We offer tailor-made tours to suit all budgetary and time requirements. Please contact us and we'll start planning your perfect trip.


Located in north-western Angola. Its northern scarp forest is home to the much sought-after, endemic Braun’s Bushshrike. Being the largest remnants of West African scarp forest in Angola it is here where forest elephants can still be found.

The Calandula Falls are one of the highest in Africa with a drop of 105m making them among the most impressive natural wonders of Angola. The area is home to the endemic, White-headed Robin-Chat, Anchieta’s Barbet, Grey-winged Robin-Chat, Sharp-tailed Starling and Brazza’s Martin.

Muxima is a beautiful area sporting deciduous forests of baobabs and euphorbia. It is home many endemics, such as Gabela Helmetshrike, White-fronted Wattle-eye, Monteiro’s Bushshrike, Angola Pitta (September to October), Grey-striped Spurfowl, Red-backed Mousebird, Angola Batis, Bubbling Cisticola, Golden-backed Bishop, and Rufous-tailed Palm Thrush.

An Afromontane forest teems with exciting endemics and specials such as Red-crested Turaco, Pulitzer’s Longbill, Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye, Gabela Akalat, Gabela and Monteiro’s Bushshrike, Gabon Coucal and Hartert’s Camaroptera.

The Namba Mountains contain a large tract of near-pristine Afromontane forest. It is in these forests and the adjacent grasslands where many of our target birds can be found, including Swierstra’s Spurfowl, Angola Lark, Salvadora Eremomela, Dusky Twinspot, Angola and Margaret’s Batis, Angola Slaty Flycatcher, Bar-tailed Trogon, Ludwig’s Double-collard Sunbird, Oustalet’s Sunbird, Bocage’s Sunbird, Bocage’s Akalat, Angola Swee Waxbill, Anchieta’s Barbet, Finsch’s Francolin, Black-and-rufous and Angola Swallow, Brazza’s Martin and Lepe Cisticola.

Located 15km north-west of Lubango, offers breath-taking scenery with its sheer cliff-faces hundreds of meters high and a mosaic of habitats, including patches of relict Afromontane forest, patches of miombo woodland, poorly drained grassy patches in valleys, quartzite formations and bracken on the top of the escarpment, Protea savanna and montane grasslands providing a large range of bird habitats within a relatively small area. Targets here include Angola Cave Chat, Angola Swee Waxbill, Swierstra’s Francolin, Angola Slaty Flycatcher, Ludwig’s Double-collared Sunbird, Oustalet’s Sunbird, Miombo Rock-thrush.

This area falls within the Namib Desert and specials include Benguela Long-billed Lark, White-tailed Shrike, Bare-cheeked Babbler, Cinderella Waxbills, Hartlaub’s Spurfowl, Rockrunner, Gray’s Lark, Rosy-faced Lovebird Monteiro’s and Damara Red-billed Hornbill.
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